Nonspecific lipid transfer proteins ( nsLTPs) are small, soluble, basic proteins that can bind and catalyze transfer of lipids in vitro, however, we do not know their functions in vivo. 非特异性脂转运蛋白是一类分子量较小的可溶性碱性蛋白质,许多研究表明在体外它能结合并跨膜运输磷脂、糖脂和脂肪酸等物质。
A great challenge in the applications of artificial biomedical devices such as retrievable vena cava filters ( RVCFs), biosensors and surface-based diagnostic devices is the prevention of the nonspecific attachment of proteins, platelets or cells on surfaces. 目前,很多医疗设备及植介入器械,如可回收腔静脉滤波器(RVCFs)、生物传感器、表面诊断设备等在应用中需要阻止蛋白质、血小板和细胞等在其表面发生的非特异性粘附。